تم تسريب صوره
لهاتف Nokia Lumia 601
بنظام الويندوز فون
صوره مسرّبه لهاتف آخر سينضم لعائلة Lumia التي ستستخدم نظام الويندوز فون وهو الهاتف المحمول Nokia 601 ويبدو من الرقم أن الهاتف سيكون أقل من ناحية المواصفات وغيره نظرا لوجود أخواته الأكبر منه مثل 710 و 800
ولا نملك سوى ان ننتظر
Leaked pictures to another phone will join a family that will be usedLumia Windows? IPhone mobile phone is Nokia 601 and it seemsthat the phone number will be less in terms of specifications and theother due to the presence of his sisters most of it, such as 710 and 800
Not only have to wait
Leaked pictures to another phone will join a family that will be usedLumia Windows? IPhone mobile phone is Nokia 601 and it seemsthat the phone number will be less in terms of specifications and theother due to the presence of his sisters most of it, such as 710 and 800
Not only have to wait
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